Monday, September 12, 2011

A Change is in the Air!

Hi Happy Homemakers,

A LOT has happened to me and my family over the past month.  You may or may not know that I was on a major roll...I was working happily 30 hours a week and had started a MS class to achieve my masters in counseling.  I was biking to work to incorporate exercise into my busy daily routine and had started a woman's bible study based on the Made to Crave series.  I thought I was doing everything God wanted me to do. 

Well, with the accident ( i was hit by a car while riding my bike on Aug 18th) and time in bed to contemplate my life choices I realized that maybe I have been sidelined because I need to practice what I preach.  I fully believe in the need for a woman to provide resourcefully for her family and also be home for her family.  The proverbs 31 woman was very industrious and she also cared for her family.  I thought in all the things I was doing I was caring for my family.  But something happened over the weekend that was a major wake up call.

After much pray and meditation and seeking advice I have found the meaning to my suffering.  God wants me home.  I don't mean home forever, but right now.  First I need to heal completely from my multiple injuries.  But I also need to re-evaluate my mothering.  Especially with my 15 year old daughter.  I am home right now and am repenting to you to recomitt myself to God, my husband and my children.  They are number one.  Not my job or my schooling. 

I read a scripture today Proverbs 3:5-6 - "Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all of your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight."

Again, I am reminded that I don't always know what is best, even though my heart was in the right place, God had to redirect me.  Really he is fullfilling my dreams to be a Godly wife and mother.  I just never thought it would come in this package.

I am taking this opportunity to share with you a class I found on one of my favorite blog sites called The Modest Mom

and .....

Far Above Rubies and  A Wise Woman Builds her Home.

This site is where the class is on Beautiful Girlhood.



  1. Wow. Very sorry to hear about this accident! That is scary. I hope you heal quickly.

  2. Thanks for the well wishes...I am feeling better every day. God has a reason for everything and now I am going to live differently because of this accident and it will be for the benefit of my husband, family, self and God.

    Take care,
