Hi Dolls,
It has been quite awhile since we discussed the French Women's Manifesto so here is Rule No. 5
"French Women Balance their food, drink, and movement on a
week by week basis."
This is just smart...if you eat a bit too much one day, compensate the next. Simple isn't it?
I am moving into day 6 of my sugar fast and already down 2 lbs! Loaded with energy so the payoff has been amazing. My cravings for carbs are GONE!
I certainly don't feel deprived...and I am not killing myself with exercise. Yesterday. I made Turkey and 97% lean ground beef meatloaf, Ratatouille, and Biscuits...I ate until I was almost full...but comfortable. Then I cleaned up, did vacuuming and some laundry...just stuff around the house. So I was active...This morning I lost 1.6 lbs from the day before...and I ate a lot yesterday! Even enjoying the Dark Chocolate with my strawberries for an afternoon snack.
Happy Homemaking Dahllingggsss!!! Please go enjoy your families today. Give to your neighbors. This outward generosity will come back to you ten fold!
BUT Most of all - take care of yourself!
Great Resources!
Dr. OZ anything!
Suicide by Sugar...a great book
Jorge Cruise - The Belly Cure Diet
French Women Don't Get Fat - and all the other books by Mireille Guiliano!!
Love French Women Rule #5...makes so much sense! Bravo!