Monday, March 8, 2010

Day 3 - Back to Work Monday - It's a Fresh Start!

A typical start to a busy work week looks like this for this 1950's wannabe housewife living in the 21st Century.

We always have coffee around 6am....strong coffee....before we even begin to speak beyond uttering good morning to each other.

Then I prepare the breakfast table. This morning I made a breakfast buritto of whole wheat tortilla stuffed with egg, bacon(leftover from yesterday), salsa, and sour cream. Orange slices in place of orange juice has much less sugar and high fructose - a no no for the 21 Century.

It's very important to me to send my family off with a delicious and healthy meal. This is something that can easily be sacrificed in the 21st century to pop tarts or other prepared foods. Don't do it! This is what is weakening the American Family and causing such high rates of obesity in our children. I opt to be a little late to work and stay a little late to make up the time to make sure the meals are prepared for the day. Tonight we will have leftover Pork dinner if we like. But sometimes, I will prepare the dinner in the morning so all I have to do is pop it in the oven, or better yet - I call a family member before leaving the office and have them pop it in before I get home. The house will smell delicious when I arrive. And the kids will begin to smell a wonderful meal cooking. This is an important memory for children to have. It creates a sense of security and family. In my humble opinion. (lol)
**NOTE - it is very important to teach your children how to properly set a table so this can be done before you get home as well.

Next it's off to making Lunches....Of course, the whole wheat bread that I made yesterday will make a nice hearty filling sandwich for my chicks.

Now it's Cleaning Time..

I also start a load of laundry, clean up the kitchen and bathroom counters as well with a quick swipe of Fantastic to make everything Shines! I bleach out the sink in the kitchen so that stays smelling fresh. As well as spray the tub and shower curtain with a bleach based bathroom cleaner. I hate to come home to a dirty house, and if you wake up just 15 minutes earlier a day - you can get these chores done before you leave the house. Also - of course - leave a list of other chores for the kids or hubby to finish up before you get home. Today I asked Corey to empty the dishwasher after school and the hubby will turn over the laundry.

Now it's ME TIME...

I do my hair, makeup, and dress - typically my routine takes under 30 minutes and that's even if I take a shower.

Have a great day everyone!

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