Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Day 5 - 1950's/60's - A Wonderful Era

I just went through some family photo's and can't believe how beautiful these women are! Of course, I am biased, they are my Grandmother, Mother and her Sisters. The way they dressed, kept themselves slender and fresh looking. There is something so appealing about these photo's I want to share with you. I want to keep this attitude in my heart. This morning I failed miserably. I woke up stressed, not wanting to go into work, and worse, I was snippy with the hubby and angry about the chores I have to rush though before I get to my second job - the job outside the home.

Anyway, I am trying to simplify my life and looking at these pics inspires me. Hopefully, they will inspire you as well.

These dresses - I am devoted to finding skirts and dresses like these OR I am going to learn to make them. I am bringing femininity back to the 21st Century!

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